Author : Mkoubaa
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, Left to right
Using this table, you can see that char *a[10]; is an array of 10 pointers to character. You can also see why the parentheses are required if (*p).i is to be handled correctly. After some practice, you will memorize most of this table, but every now and again something will not work because you have been caught by a subtle precedence problem.
Part 15: Command Line Arguments
C on UNIX provides a fairly simple mechanism for retrieving command line parameters entered by the user. It passes an argv parameter to the main function in the program. argv structures appear in a fair number of the more advanced library calls, so you should understand them.
Enter the following code and compile it to a.out:
#include <stdio.h>
void main(int argc, char *argv[])
int x;
for (x=0; x<argc; x++)
In this code, the main program accepts two parameters, argv and argc. The argv parameter is an array of pointers to string that contains the parameters entered when the program was invoked at the UNIX command line. The argc integer contains a count of the number of parameters. This particular piece of code types out the command line parameters. To try this, compile the code to a.out and type a.out xxx yyy zzz. The code will print the parameters, one per line.
The char *argv[] line is an array of pointers to string. In other words, each element of the array is a pointer, and each pointer points to a string (technically, to the first character of the string). Thus, argv[0] points to a string that contains the first parameter on the command line (the program's name), argv[1] points to the next parameter, and so on. The argc variable tells you how many of the pointers in the array are valid. You will find that the preceding code does nothing more than print each of the valid strings pointed to by argv.
Because argv exists, you can let your program react to command line parameters entered by the user fairly easily. For example, you might have your program detect the word help as the first parameter following the program name, and dump a help file to stdout. File names can also be passed in and used in your fopen statements.
Part 16: Binary files in C
Binary files are very similar to arrays of records, except the records are in a disk file rather than in an array in memory. Because the records in a binary file are on disk, you can create very large collections of them (limited only by your available disk space). They are also permanent and always available. The only disadvantage is the slowness that comes from disk access time.
Binary files have two features that distinguish them from text files: You can jump instantly to any record in the file, which provides random access as in an array; and you can change the contents of a record anywhere in the file at any time. Binary files also usually have faster read and write times than text files, because a binary image of the record is stored directly from memory to disk (or vice versa). In a text file, everything has to be converted back and forth to text, and this takes time.
Pascal supports the file-of-records concept very cleanly. You declare a variable such as var f:file of rec; and then open the file. At that point, you can read a record, write a record, or seek to any record in the file. This file structure supports the concept of a file pointer. When the file is opened, the pointer points to record 0 (the first record in the file). Any read operation reads the currently pointed-to record and moves the pointer down one record. Any write operation writes to the currently pointed-to record and moves the pointer down one record. Seek moves the pointer to the requested record.
In C, the concepts are exactly the same but less concise. Keep in mind that C thinks of everything in the disk file as blocks of bytes read from disk into memory or read from memory onto disk. C uses a file pointer, but it can point to any byte location in the file.
The following program illustrates these concepts:
#include <stdio.h>
/* random record description - could be anything */
struct rec
int x,y,z;
/* writes and then reads 10 arbitrary records from the file "junk". */
void main()
int i,j;
FILE *f;
struct rec r;
/* create the file of 10 records */
for (i=1;i<=10; i++)
fwrite(&r,sizeof(struct rec),1,f);
/* read the 10 records */
for (i=1;i<=10; i++)
fread(&r,sizeof(struct rec),1,f);
/* use fseek to read the 10 records in reverse order */
for (i=9; i>=0; i--)
fseek(f,sizeof(struct rec)*i,SEEK_SET);
fread(&r,sizeof(struct rec),1,f);
/* use fseek to read every other record */
for (i=0;i<5; i++)
fread(&r,sizeof(struct rec),1,f);
fseek(f,sizeof(struct rec),SEEK_CUR);
/* use fseek to read 4th record, change it, and write it back */
fseek(f,sizeof(struct rec)*3,SEEK_SET);
fread(&r,sizeof(struct rec),1,f);
fseek(f,sizeof(struct rec)*3,SEEK_SET);
fwrite(&r,sizeof(struct rec),1,f);
/* read the 10 records to insure 4th record was changed */
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