Author : Grant Smith
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of the source
screen, then do 32000 movsw (64000 bytes).
procedure flip(source,dest:Word);
{ This copies the entire screen at "source" to destination }
push ds
mov ax, [Dest]
mov es, ax { ES = Segment of source }
mov ax, [Source]
mov ds, ax { DS = Segment of source }
xor si, si { SI = 0 Faster then mov si,0 }
xor di, di { DI = 0 }
mov cx, 32000
rep movsw { Repeat movsw 32000 times }
pop ds
// //
// Flip() - This copies the entire screen at "source" to destination.//
// //
void Flip(word source, word dest) {
asm {
push ds // save DS
mov ax, [dest] // copy segment of destination to AX
mov es, ax // set ES to point to destination
mov ax, [source] // copy segment of source to AX
mov ds, ax // set DS to point to source
xor si, si // zero out SI
xor di, di // zero out DI
mov cx, 32000 // set our counter to 32000
rep movsw // move source to destination by words. decrement
// CX by 1 each time until CX is 0
pop ds // restore DS
The cls procedure works in much the same way, only it moves the color
into AX then uses a rep stosw (see program for details)
The PAL command is almost exactly the same as it's Pascal equivalent
(see previous tutorials). Look in the sample code to see how it uses the
out and in commands.
In Closing
The assembler procedures presented to you in here are not at their best.
Most of these are procedures ASPHYXIA abandoned for better ones after
months of use. But, as you will soon see, they are all MUCH faster then
the original Pascal equivalents I originally gave you. In future, I
hope to give you more and more assembler procedures for your ever
growing collections. But, as you know, I am not always very prompt with
this series (I don't know if even one has been released within one week
of the previous one), so if you want to get any stuff done, try do it
yourself. What do you have to lose, aside from your temper and a few
rather inventive reboots ;-)
What should I do for the next trainer? A simple 3-d tutorial? You may
not like it, because I would go into minute detail of how it works :)
Leave me suggestions for future trainers by any of the means discussed
at the top of this trainer.
After the customary quote, I will place a listing of the BBSes I
currently know that regularly carry this Trainer Series. If your BBS
receives it regularly, no matter where in the country you are, get a
message to me and I'll add it to the list. Let's make it more convenient
for locals to grab a copy without calling long distance ;-)
[ There they sit, the preschooler class encircling their
mentor, the substitute teacher.
"Now class, today we will talk about what you want to be
when you grow up. Isn't that fun?" The teacher looks
around and spots the child, silent, apart from the others
and deep in thought. "Jonny, why don't you start?" she
encourages him.
Jonny looks around, confused, his train of thought
disrupted. He collects himself, and stares at the teacher
with a steady eye. "I want to code demos," he says,
his words becoming stronger and more confidant as he
speaks. "I want to write something that will change
peoples perception of reality. I want them to walk
away from the computer dazed, unsure of their footing
and eyesight. I want to write something that will
reach out of the screen and grab them, making
heartbeats and breathing slow to almost a halt. I want
to write something that, when it is finished, they
are reluctant to leave, knowing that nothing they
experience that day will be quite as real, as
insightful, as good. I want to write demos."
Silence. The class and the teacher stare at Jonny, stunned. It
is the teachers turn to be confused. Jonny blushes,
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