Topic : The VGA Training Program
Author : Grant Smith
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  dx, bx       // add BX to DX (Y*64 + Y*256 = Y*320)
    pop     bx           // restore BX (X coordinate)
    add     bx, dx       // add BX to DX (Y*320 + X).  this gives you
                         //   the offset in memory you want
    mov     di, bx       // move the offset to DI

Let us have a look at this a bit closer shall we?
bx=dx=y        dx=dx*256  ;   bx=bx*64     ( Note, 256+64 = 320 )

dx+bx=Correct y value, just add X!

As you can see, in assembler, the shortest code is often not the

The complete putpixel procedure is as follows :


Procedure Putpixel (X,Y : Integer; Col : Byte; where:word);
  { This puts a pixel on the screen by writing directly to memory. }
    push    ds                      {; Make sure these two go out the }
    push    es                      {; same they went in }
    mov     ax,[where]
    mov     es,ax                   {; Point to segment of screen }
    mov     bx,[X]
    mov     dx,[Y]
    push    bx                      {; and this again for later}
    mov     bx, dx                  {; bx = dx}
    mov     dh, dl                  {; dx = dx * 256}
    xor     dl, dl
    shl     bx, 1
    shl     bx, 1
    shl     bx, 1
    shl     bx, 1
    shl     bx, 1
    shl     bx, 1                   {; bx = bx * 64}
    add     dx, bx                  {; dx = dx + bx (ie y*320)}
    pop     bx                      {; get back our x}
    add     bx, dx                  {; finalise location}
    mov     di, bx                  {; di = offset }
    {; es:di = where to go}
    xor     al,al
    mov     ah, [Col]
    mov     es:[di],ah              {; move the value in ah to screen
                                       point es:[di] }
    pop     es
    pop     ds


//                                                                    //
// Putpixel() - This puts a pixel on the screen by writing directly to//
//              memory.                                              //

void Putpixel (word X, word Y, byte Col, word Where) {
  asm {
    push    ds           // save DS
    push    es           // save ES
    mov     ax, [Where]  // move segment of Where to AX
    mov     es, ax       // set ES to segment of Where
    mov     bx, [X]      // set BX to X
    mov     dx, [Y]      // set DX to Y
    push    bx           // save BX (our X value)
    mov     bx, dx       // now BX and DX are equal to Y
    mov     dh, dl       // copy DL to DH (multiply Y by 256)
    xor     dl, dl       // zero out DL
    shl     bx, 6        // shift BX left 6 places (multiply Y by 64).
    add     dx, bx       // add BX to DX (Y*64 + Y*256 = Y*320)
    pop     bx           // restore BX (X coordinate)
    add     bx, dx       // add BX to DX (Y*320 + X).  this gives you
                         //   the offset in memory you want
    mov     di, bx       // move the offset to DI
    xor     al, al       // zero out AL
    mov     ah, [Col]    // move value of Col into AH
    mov     es:[di], ah  // move Col to the offset in memory (DI)
    pop     es           // restore ES
    pop     ds           // restore DS

Note that with DI and SI, when you use them :
      mov   di,50      Moves di to position 50
      mov   [di],50    Moves 50 into the place di is pointing to The Flip Procedure

This is fairly straightforward. We get ES:DI to point to the start of
the destination screen, and DS:SI to point to the start

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