Author : Grant Smith
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within the LookupCirc() function]
deg = 0.0;
for (loop1=0;loop1<TABLESIZE;loop1++) {
costbl[loop1] = cos(rad(deg));
sintbl[loop1] = sin(rad(deg));
deg += 0.4;
This will calculate the needed 16000 reals and place them into our two
variables. The amount of time this takes is dependant on your computer.
How do I use a lookup table?
This is very easy. In your program, wherever you put
[Pascal] cos (rad(deg))
[C++] cos (rad(deg))
you just replace it with :
[Pascal] costbl^[deg]
[C++] costbl[deg]
Easy, no? Note that the new "deg" variable is now an integer, always
between 1 and 8000.
Where else do I use lookup tables?
Lookup tables may be used in many different ways. For example, when
working out 3-dimensional objects, sin and cos are needed often, and are
best put in a lookup table. In a game, you may pregen the course an
enemy may take when attacking. Even saving a picture (for example, a
plasma screen) after generating it, then loading it up later is a form
of pregeneration.
When you feel that your program is going much too slow, your problems
may be totally sorted out by using a table. Or, maybe not. ;-)
In closing
As you have seen above, lookup tables aren't all that exciting, but they
are useful and you need to know how to use them. The attached sample
program will demonstrate just how big a difference they can make.
Keep on coding, and if you finish anything, let me know about it! I
never get any mail, so all mail is greatly appreciated ;-)
Sorry, no quote today, it's hot and I'm tired. Maybe next time ;-)
- Denthor
[Note: things in brackets have been added by Snowman. The original text
has remained mostly unaltered except for the inclusion of C++ material]
Hello! By popular request, this part is all about animation. I will be
going over three methods of doing animation on a PC, and will
concerntrate specifically on one, which will be demonstrated in the
attached sample code.
Although not often used in demo coding, animation is usually used in
games coding, which can be almost as rewarding ;-)
In this part I will also be much more stingy with assembler code :)
Included will be a fairly fast pure assembler putpixel, an asm screen
flip command, an asm icon placer, an asm partial-flip and one or two
others. I will be explaining how these work in detail, so this may also
be used as a bit of an asm-trainer too.
By the way, I apologise for this part taking so long to be released, but
I only finished my exams a few days ago, and they of course took
preference ;-). I have also noticed that the MailBox BBS is no longer
operational, so the trainer will be uploaded regularly to the BBS lists
shown at the end of this tutorial.
If you would like to contact me, or the team, there are many ways you
can do it : 1) Write a message to Grant Smith/Denthor/Asphyxia in private mail
2) Write a message in the Programming conference on the
For Your Eyes Only BBS (of which I am the Moderator )
This is preferred if you have a general programming query
or problem others would benefit from.
4) Write to Denthor, Eze or Livewire on Connectix.
5) Write to : Grant Smith
P.O.Box 270 Kloof
6) Call me (Grant Smith) at (031) 73 2129 (leave a message if you
call during varsity)
7) Write to on InterNet, and
mention the word Denthor near the top of the letter.
NB : If you are a representative of a company or BBS, and want ASPHYXIA
to do you a demo, leave mail to me; we can discuss it.
NNB : If you have done/attempted a demo, SEND IT TO ME! We are feeling
quite lonely and want to meet/help out/exchange code with other demo
groups. What do you have to lose? Leave a message here and we can work
out how to transfer it. We really want to hear from you!
The Principals of Animation
I am sure all of you have seen a computer game with animation at one or
other time. There are a few things that an animation sequence must do in
order to give an impression of realism. Firstly, it must move,
preferably using different frames to add to the realism (for example,
with a man walking you should have different frames with the arms an
legs in different positions). Secondly, it must not destroy the
background, but restore it after it has passed over it.
This sounds obvious enough, but can be very difficult to code when you
have no idea of how to go about achieving that.
In this trainer I will discuss various methods of meeting these two
Frames and Object Control
It is quite obvious that for most animation to succeed, you must have
numerous frames of the object in various poses (such as a man with
several frames of him walking). When shown one after the other, these
give the impression of natural movement.
So, how do we store these frames? I hear you cry. Well, the obvious
method is to store them in arrays. After drawing a frame in Autodesk
Animator and saving it as a .CEL, we usually use the following code to
load it in :
TYPE icon = Array [1..50,1..50] of byte;
VAR tree : icon;
Procedure LoadCEL (FileName : string; ScrPtr : pointer);
Fil : file;
Buf : array [1..1024] of byte;
BlocksRead, Count : word;
assign (Fil, FileName);
reset (Fil, 1);
BlockRead (Fil, Buf, 800); { Read and ignore the 800 byte header }
Count := 0; BlocksRead := $FFFF;
while (not eof (Fil)) and (BlocksRead <> 0) do begin
BlockRead (Fil, mem [seg (ScrPtr^): ofs (ScrPtr^) + Count], 1024, BlocksRead);
Count := Count + 1024;
close (Fil);
Loadcel ('Tree.CEL',addr (tree));
[Note: This could eaily be converted to C++, but I just finished converting
that huge program and don't feel like doing so. :) If you don't know Pascal,
you'll just have to struggle through this one.]
We now have the 50x50 picture of TREE.CEL in our array tree. We may access
this array in the usual manner (eg. col:=tree [25,30]). If the frame is
large, or if you have many frames, try using pointers (see previous
Now that we have the picture, how do we control the object? What if we
want multiple trees wandering around doing their own thing? The solution
is to have a record of information for each tree. A typical data
structure may look like the following :
TYPE Treeinfo = Record
x,y:word; { Where the tree is }
speed:byte; { How fast the tree is moving }
Direction:byte; { Where the tree is facing }
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