Topic : Multi-Threaded Programming
Author : LUPG
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globals: the thread's ID, a pointer to the requests queue structure, and pointers to the mutex and condition variable to be used.

handler_threads_pool.c - here we define an abstraction of a thread pool. We have a function to create a thread, a function to delete (cancel) a thread, and a function to delete all active handler threads, called during program termination. we define here a structure similar to that used to hold the requests queue, and thus the functions are similar. However, because we only access this pool from one thread, the main thread, we don't need to protect it using a mutex. This saves some overhead caused by mutexes. the overhead is small, but for a busy server, it might begin to become noticeable.

main.c- and finally, the main function to rule them all, and in the system bind them. This function creates a requests queue, creates a threads pool, creates few handler threads, and then starts generating requests. After adding a request to the queue, it checks the queue size and the number of active handler threads, and adjusts the number of threads to the size of the queue. We use a simple water-marks algorithm here, but as you can see from the code, it can be easily be replaced by a more sophisticated algorithm. In our water-marks algorithm implementation, when the high water-mark is reached, we start creating new handler threads, to empty the queue faster. Later, when the low water-mark is reached, we start canceling the extra threads, until we are left with the original number of handler threads.

After rewriting the program in a more manageable manner, we added code that uses the newly learned pthreads functions, as follows:

1. Each handler thread created puts itself in the deferred cancellation mode. This makes sure that when it gets canceled, it can finish handling its current request, before terminating.
2. Each handler thread also registers a cleanup function, to unlock the mutex when it terminates. This is done, since a thread is most likely to get canceled when calling pthread_cond_wait(), which is a cancellation point. Since the function is called with the mutex locked, it might cause the thread to exit and cause all other threads to 'hang' on the mutex. Thus, unlocking the mutex in a cleanup handler (registered with the pthread_cleanup_push() function) is the proper solution.
3. Finally, the main thread is set to clean up properly, and not brutally, as we did before. When it wishes to terminate, it calls the 'delete_handler_threads_pool()' function, which calls pthread_join for each remaining handler thread. This way, the function returns only after all handler threads finished handling their last request.

Please refer to the source code ( for the full details. Reading the header files first will make it easier to understand the design. To compile the program, just switch to the thread-pool-server-changes directory, and type 'gmake'.

Exercise: our last program contains some possible race condition during its termination process. Can you see what this race is all about? Can you offer a complete solution to this problem? (hint - think of what happens to threads deleted using 'delete_handler_thread()').

Exercise 2: the way we implement the water-marks algorithm might come up too slow on creation of new threads. Try thinking of a different algorithm that will shorten the average time a request stays on the queue until it gets handled. Add some code to measure this time, and experiment until you find your "optimal pool algorithm". Note - Time should be measured in very small units (using the getrusage system call), and several runs of each algorithm should be made, to get more accurate measurements.

Using Threads For Responsive User Interface Programming

One area in which threads can be very helpful is in user-interface programs. These programs are usually centered around a loop of reading user input, processing it, and showing the results of the processing. The processing part may sometimes take a while to complete, and the user is made to wait during this operation. By placing such long operations in a seperate thread, while having another thread to read user input, the program can be more responsive. It may allow the user to cancel the operation in the middle.

In graphical programs the problem is more severe, since the application should always be ready for a message from the windowing system telling it to repaint part of its window. If it's too busy executing some other task, its window will remain blank, which is rather ugly. In such a case, it is a good idea to have one thread handle the message loop of the windowing systm and always ready to get such repain requests (as well as user input). When ever this thread sees a need to do an operation that might take a long time to complete (say, more then 0.2 seconds in the worse case), it will delegate the job to a seperate thread.

In order to structure things better, we may use a third thread, to control and synchronize the user-input and task-performing threads. If the user-input thread gets any user input, it will ask the controlling thread to handle the operation. If the task-performing thread finishes its operation, it will ask the controlling thread to show the results to the user.

User Interaction - A Complete Example

As an example, we will write a simple character-mode program that counts the number of lines in a file, while allowing the user to cancel the operation in the middle.

Our main thread will launch one thread to perform the line counting, and a second thread to check for user input. After that, the main thread waits on a condition variable. When any of the threads finishes its operation, it signals this condition variable, in order to let the main thread check what happened. A global variable is used to flag whether or not a cancel request was made by the user. It is initialized to '0', but if the user-input thread receives a cancellation request (the user pressing 'e'), it sets this flag to '1', signals the condition variable, and terminates. The line-counting thread will signal the condition variable only after it finished its computation.

Before you go read the program, we should explain the use of the system() function and the 'stty' Unix command. The system() function spawns a shell in which it executes the Unix command given as a parameter. The stty Unix command is used to change terminal mode settings. We use it to switch the terminal from its default, line-buffered mode, to a character mode (also known as raw mode), so the call to getchar() in the user-input thread will return immediatly after the user presses any key. If we hadn't done so, the system will buffer all input to the program until the user presses the ENTER key. Finally, since this raw mode is not very useful (to say the least) once the program terminates and we get the shell prompt again, the user-input thread registers a cleanup function that restores the normal terminal mode, i.e. line-buffered. For more info, please refer to stty's manual page.

The program's source can be found in the file line-count.c. The name of the file whose lines it reads is hardcoded to 'very_large_data_file'. You should create a file with this name in the program's directory (large enough for the operation to take enough time). Alternatively, you may un-compress the file 'very_large_data_file.Z' found in this directory, using the command:

uncompress very_large_data_file.Z

note that this will create a 5MB(!) file named 'very_large_data_file', so make sure you have enough free disk-space before performing this operation.

Using 3rd-Party Libraries In A Multi-Threaded Application

One more point, and a very important one, should be taken by programmers employeeing multi-threading in their programs. Since a multi-threaded program might have the same function executed by different threads at the same time, one must make sure that any function that might be invoked from more then one thread at a time, is MT-safe (Multi-Thread Safe). This means that any access to data structures and other shared resources is protected using mutexes.

It may be possibe to use a non-MT-safe library in a multi-threaded programs in two ways:

1. Use this library only from a single thread. This way we are assured that no function from the library is executed simultanouasly from two seperate threads. The problem here is that it might limit your whole design, and might force you to add more communications between threads, if another thread needs to somehow use a function from this library.
2. Use mutexes to protect function calls to the library. This means that a single mutex is used by any thread invoking any function in this library. The mutex is locked, the function is invoked, and then the mutex is unlocked. The problem with this solution is that the locking is not done in a fine granularity - even if two functions from the library do not interfere with each other, they

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