Topic : Multi-Threaded Programming
Author : LUPG
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first form here:

pthread_cond_t got_request = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;

This defines a condition variable named 'got_request', and initializes it.

Note: since the PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER is actually a structure, it may be used to initialize a condition variable only when it is declared. In order to initialize it during runtime, one must use the pthread_cond_init() function.

Signaling A Condition Variable

In order to signal a condition variable, one should either the pthread_cond_signal() function (to wake up a only one thread waiting on this variable), or the pthread_cond_broadcast() function (to wake up all threads waiting on this variable). Here is an example using signal, assuming 'got_request' is a properly initialized condition variable:

int rc = pthread_cond_signal(&got_request);

Or by using the broadcast function:

int rc = pthread_cond_broadcast(&got_request);

When either function returns, 'rc' is set to 0 on success, and to a non-zero value on failure. In such a case (failure), the return value denotes the error that occured (EINVAL denotes that the given parameter is not a condition variable. ENOMEM denotes that the system has run out of memory.

Note: success of a signaling operation does not mean any thread was awakened - it might be that no thread was waiting on the condition variable, and thus the signaling does nothing (i.e. the signal is lost).
It is also not remembered for future use - if after the signaling function returns another thread starts waiting on this condition variable, a further signal is required to wake it up.

Waiting On A Condition Variable

If one thread signals the condition variable, other threads would probably want to wait for this signal. They may do so using one of two functions, pthread_cond_wait() or pthread_cond_timedwait(). Each of these functions takes a condition variable, and a mutex (which should be locked before calling the wait function), unlocks the mutex, and waits until the condition variable is signaled, suspending the thread's execution. If this signaling causes the thread to awake (see discussion of pthread_cond_signal() earlier), the mutex is automagically locked again by the wait funciton, and the wait function returns.

The only difference between these two functions is that pthread_cond_timedwait() allows the programmer to specify a timeout for the waiting, after which the function always returns, with a proper error value (ETIMEDOUT) to notify that condition variable was NOT signaled before the timeout passed. The pthread_cond_wait() would wait indefinitely if it was never signaled.

Here is how to use these two functions. We make the assumption that 'got_request' is a properly initialized condition variable, and that 'request_mutex' is a properly initialized mutex. First, we try the pthread_cond_wait() function:

/* first, lock the mutex */
int rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&a_mutex);
if (rc) { /* an error has occurred */
/* mutex is now locked - wait on the condition variable.             */
/* During the execution of pthread_cond_wait, the mutex is unlocked. */
rc = pthread_cond_wait(&got_request, &request_mutex);
if (rc == 0) { /* we were awakened due to the cond. variable being signaled */
               /* The mutex is now locked again by pthread_cond_wait()      */
    /* do your stuff... */
/* finally, unlock the mutex */

Now an example using the pthread_cond_timedwait() function:

#include <sys/time.h>     /* struct timeval definition           */
#include <unistd.h>       /* declaration of gettimeofday()       */

struct timeval  now;            /* time when we started waiting        */
struct timespec timeout;        /* timeout value for the wait function */
int             done;           /* are we done waiting?                */

/* first, lock the mutex */
int rc = pthread_mutex_lock(&a_mutex);
if (rc) { /* an error has occurred */
/* mutex is now locked */

/* get current time */
/* prepare timeout value */
timeout.tv_sec = now.tv_sec + 5
timeout.tv_nsec = now.tv_usec * 1000; /* timeval uses microseconds.         */
                                      /* timespec uses nanoseconds.         */
                                      /* 1 nanosecond = 1000 micro seconds. */

/* wait on the condition variable. */
/* we use a loop, since a Unix signal might stop the wait before the timeout */
done = 0;
while (!done) {
    /* remember that pthread_cond_timedwait() unlocks the mutex on entrance */
    rc = pthread_cond_timedwait(&got_request, &request_mutex, &timeout);
    switch(rc) {
        case 0:  /* we were awakened due to the cond. variable being signaled */
                 /* the mutex was now locked again by pthread_cond_timedwait. */
            /* do your stuff here... */
            done = 0;
        case ETIMEDOUT: /* our time is up */
            done = 0;
        default:        /* some error occurred (e.g. we got a Unix signal) */
            break;      /* break this switch, but re-do the while loop.   */
/* finally, unlock the mutex */

As you can see, the timed wait version is way more complex, and thus better be wrapped up by some function, rather then being re-coded in every necessary location.

Note: it might be that a condition variable that has 2 or more threads waiting on it is signaled many times, and yet one of the threads waiting on it never awakened. This is because we are not guaranteed which of the waiting threads is awakened when the variable is signaled. It might be that the awakened thread quickly comes back to waiting on the condition variables, and gets awakened again when the variable is signaled again, and so on. The situation for the un-awakened thread is called 'starvation'. It is up to the programmer to make sure this situation does not occur if it implies bad behavior. Yet, in our server example from before, this situation might indicate requests are coming in a very slow pace, and thus perhaps we have too many threads waiting to service requests. In this case, this situation is actually good, as it means every request is handled immediately when it arrives.

Note 2: when the mutex is being broadcast (using pthread_cond_broadcast), this does not mean all threads are running together. Each of them tries to lock the mutex again before returning from their wait function, and thus they'll start running one by one, each one locking the mutex, doing their work, and freeing the mutex before the next thread gets its chance to run.

Destroying A Condition Variable

After we are done using a condition variable, we should destroy it, to free any system resources it might be using. This can be done using the pthread_cond_destroy(). In order for this to work, there should be no threads waiting on this condition variable. Here is how to use this function, again, assuming 'got_request' is a pre-initialized condition variable:

int rc = pthread_cond_destroy(&got_request);
if (rc == EBUSY) { /* some thread is still waiting on this condition variable */
    /* handle this case here... */

What if some thread is still waiting on this variable? depending on the case, it might imply some flaw in the usage of this variable, or just lack of proper thread cleanup code. It is probably good

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